Sunday, April 9

Seinfeld again!

More thoughts from the groundbreaking season of Seinfeld:

The Conversion
- Latvian Orthodox
- The Korvoca
- Keeping fungicide in your medicine cabinet
- Is a Podiatrist a doctor?

The Stall
- Toilet paper
- Phone Sex
- Men's version of bimbo, mimbo
- Rock-climbing

The Marine Biologist (Classic episode)
- George pretending to be a marine biologist
- Kramer treating the ocean as his driving range
- Tolstoy's original title for War n Peace was War, what is it good for?
- Electric organiser

The Dinner Party
- Getting wine for someone's dinner party
- Gore-tex
- Babka
- Saddam Hussein double parking

The Pie
- Not washing your hands after visiting the toilet
- Not tasting pie
- Suit that makes swooshing sound
- Elaine mannequin

The Stand-in
- Little people
- "Lifts"
- Dating a girl for spike
- Making someone in the hospital laugh

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