Sunday, April 2

More Random Thoughts of Seinfeld

Here's the next 5 episode of Season 5 of Seinfeld

The Lip Reader
- Deaf women able to lip read
- George eating fudge
- Using a lip reader to find out what others are talking abt
- Kramer being a ball boy!!

The Non-Fat Yogurt (Classic episode)
- Mayor Giuliani having super high cholestrol
- Swearing in front of kids
- George faking illness (not for the first time)
- Everyone to wear nametags

The Barber
- Crazy Italian barber
- Opera setting
- Edward Scissorhand
- Kramer participating in a bachelor auction

The Masseuse
- Masseuse who refuse to give a massage
- Return of the risotto girl
- Elaine dating a "serial killer"
- George cannot stand people who dun like him

The Cigar Store Indian
- Native Americans
- Coffee table book about coffee tables
- Gyros in the subway
- TV Guides

More to come next week :-)

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