Sunday, April 2

One year on...

Well it's been a year since I last went to UK. Time really flies pass. At that time, it was exciting trip to be back among friends and familiar territories. It was quite exciting as I had to show a friend ard UK and Paris as well. In fact, most of the trip was spent showing her ard London, Cambridge, Paris and even Cornwall. Cornwall is a place I considered sacred as not many Singaporeans will have a chance to go there and stay in a lovely cottage by the coast. In fact, I would consider Isle of Scilly as the perfect place for a honey moon.

I enjoyed the drive to Cornwall in Andre's Volkswagen and living the Cornish lifestyle of taking walks and of course who can forget clotted cream with scones. Those long and twisting roads around Cornwall was really an adventure but luckily I had a local guide.

All these thinking have made me wonder whether I should ever consider working in the UK. I have a friend in London who had just left an investment banking job at Morgan Stanley to work for a hedge fund. I dun want to imagine the amount of money he is earning. I received another surprise phone call yesterday from my best buddy in uni in super cold Aberdeen. He is working for Shell and seems to be enjoying himself.

Ah...all these thoughts I probably can only dream for the next 4 years...

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