Sunday, September 24

Upper Pierce Reservoir

Decided to finally ventured into the unknown and go jog in Upper Pierce Reservoir Park instead of the usual Bishan Park and Gym. It's near the Prata Place at Upper Thomson Road and it's a long drive in the middle of nowhere before you look in awe at the park. It is very scenic with Bukit Timah Hill as the background and the reservoir in the foreground.

Decided to find a good jogging road and somehow ventured into Singapore Island Country Club (not really sure whether jogging is permitted). Did a light jog on sat before returning to explore more today. Tried jogging to the Tree-Top Walk today and found that it was closed at 5pm. Now I know how to get to the tree-top walk from Upper Pierce Reservoir.

Maybe next week I will explore the Tree-Top walk before exploring Lower Pierce Reservoir Park. Am keen also to explore some unbeaten tracks in Singapore as well. Anyone keen to join? :p

This way please

Ok, I have been missing for the past few weeks but I have a very good reason for that. I was working as a liason officer for the past 5 days or so and I must say the experience was fun, fun, fun. Let me try to recap the happenings during the event:

Day 1
Received the delegation from the airport and everything went smoothly. Within 10 minutes, we were off in our swanky BMWs to Marina Mandarin. After letting the VIP check-in, I accompanied their staff officers to collect their passes for the meetings and also did some shopping at Funan. Brought them to Suntec and they shopped for some glasses (total cost: $1000). It was the first time I learnt of "transition and progressive lens". The short day thus ended with the delegation wishing to take a rest after their long flight.

Day 2
Started the day at 0800 accompanying the delegation to the Singapore Mint. They had wanted to outsource their minting services to Singapore as their minting is currently being done in Paris. More shopping around the Suntec and Marina area. Did some night-time sightseeing in the car and they enjoyed themseleves

Day 3
The real action begin trying to coordinate all their meetings but luckily they were all in Suntec. Had a party in the evening but they were tired and so went back to the hotel before the end of the party. Did more shopping (Sony-Ericsson P990 x 3 each costing $1,388)

Day 4
The meetings are starting to wind down and thus the delegation decided to drive round the city to soak in the sights of Singapore. Brought them to Sim Lim as well (purchasing T10 Sony camera, DVD player, Sony-Ericsson K800 and one Samsung phone). They had a dinner at the Honourary Consul-General's home at Ridout Road and it was one of the largest house I have ever seen. We dropped them off and had our dinner (yummy chicken rice) with the drivers at Margaret Drive.

Day 5
It was Bon Voyage to the delegation. Before that, had to rush down to the Malaysian High Commission to sort out their visas and sending them off to the airport. They shopped more in the airport and were really thankful for our services.

We were glad that the delegation really appreciated us and they were wonderful people to bring around as well. They had also did a lot to contribute to our economy (I would say they contributed well over $20k to our economy) During the meeting, I got to meet new friends and even got to know that my driver was the first person to bring in DVDs into Singapore. Overall, I would definitely volunteered if Singapore get the chance to host such events again.

PS: My work did not end after sending the delegation off as I still got calls asking me when the delegations was leaving 24 hours after sending them off. :-) No complains...everyone's just doing their job.

PPS: Will see what photos I can find to attach to sum up my adventures

Wednesday, September 6


Happened to watch 2 excellent movies over the past 2 weeks:

1) An Inconvenient Truth
This excellent movie by Al Gore had raving reviews when it was launched in the USA and now I know why. It tries to capture the essence of climate change into lay-man's language by using cartoons, animation and slides to show the possible impact of climate change to the world. It is sad that so much politics is happening around the world and 9 years since the signing the Kyoto Protocol, many countries are still bickering on their quotas and they have to do. The world had previously ban CFCs to prevent the ozone layer from further depleting and thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions should be the top priority for many countries.

I strongly encourage all to watch it if you have the opportunity when it opens nation-wide in Singapore in Oct/Nov.

2) The Devil wears Prada
Cute, heartwarming and chick flick and probably the few words that came to my mind after the movie. It was entertaining about life in the fashion industry and how tough it is to work under a boss from hell. Good acting to bring out a smart, intelligent movie!

Ok, the next 2 weeks will be hell for me due to S2006. See you guys around!