Wednesday, December 14

Rent it is!

Yup yup, I decided to catch Rent in the end. Was thumping myself for not waiting for the rebate on their tickets before I bought the tickets. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the musical overall but I felt that Karen Mok did not do the musical justice. Could not really understand what she was singing for most of the time and yes, her dance moves were well done but as a musical cast, I think she still lack the ability to dance and sing at the same time. Most people I knew did not enjoy watching Rent due to the modern upbeat and unorthodox themes (gays, lesbians, drag-queens, AIDS, etc) but I must say the songs are encouraging and refreshing. Been listening to the soundtrack over the past week and have enjoyed listening to it over and over again. Am awaiting the movie to come out early next year. For those that want a copy of the RENT soundtrack, do give me a buzz.


mf said...

It's exactly the pace of the musical and its so-called unorthodox themes that made me like it - more interesting!

I have the soundtrack too :)

Mr Cellophane said...

Loves Season of Love! Quite a lot of good songs in the soundtrack too :-)