Friday, December 16

Protests and more protests

Well the WTO meeting is currently on-going in Hong Kong and even before the meeting started, there were a bunch of Koreans jumping into the freezing ocean to protest about the meeting taking place. This trend of protesting during major economic meets started in Seattle in 1999. There were massive protests during that meeting and then US President, Bill Clinton got cold feet and actually diluted what was supposed to be tabled at the Seattle rounds. Since then, the protesters have been gathering up in strength by seeing their effectiveness in Seattle, appearing in every economic or world leader meets.

That make me wonder, what the hell are the protesters actually protesting about? Capitalism, globalisation, global warming or what? I personally feel that the protesters are actually protesting for the sake of protesting to show that their voice still matter in society. Can any of the protesters actually suggest a solution to capitalism? I do not think so unless someone yells communism. That's my one has any idea or suggestion on how to revolutionise the world.

I remember those days in London when everyone had to stay in during 1st May due to the massive protests. Not too sure whether that is still happening annually but seriously what had those protesters achieved? NOTHING!

Let's hope next year IMF/World Bank meet in Singapore will not have any problem.

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