Tuesday, April 17

Busy, Busy

It's been a busy April thus far. Work has been increasingly like crazy and now my portfolio is left only me and another colleague. It gets me thinking whether it is sustainable working in this line for long. I know friends working in various sectors and most of them are having problems coping with work stress as well.

Somehow, the pace in Singapore is always to cheong and get as far ahead as possible in terms of career and make as much money as possible. For me, coming from my background, money is definitely important but I guess I have a new priority in life. To be able to balance one's career and personal life is never easy and definitely one has to take sacrifices to reach a balance point.

Not sure why I am grunting about this when in fact the civil service is raising our pay. Let's just say I am quite satisfied with my current state and I have no complains. The key question will come when my bond ends in 3 years time and that's when I need to make the crunch decision.

Alright enough grumbling for now! Any comments are welcome.

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