Wednesday, September 6


Happened to watch 2 excellent movies over the past 2 weeks:

1) An Inconvenient Truth
This excellent movie by Al Gore had raving reviews when it was launched in the USA and now I know why. It tries to capture the essence of climate change into lay-man's language by using cartoons, animation and slides to show the possible impact of climate change to the world. It is sad that so much politics is happening around the world and 9 years since the signing the Kyoto Protocol, many countries are still bickering on their quotas and they have to do. The world had previously ban CFCs to prevent the ozone layer from further depleting and thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions should be the top priority for many countries.

I strongly encourage all to watch it if you have the opportunity when it opens nation-wide in Singapore in Oct/Nov.

2) The Devil wears Prada
Cute, heartwarming and chick flick and probably the few words that came to my mind after the movie. It was entertaining about life in the fashion industry and how tough it is to work under a boss from hell. Good acting to bring out a smart, intelligent movie!

Ok, the next 2 weeks will be hell for me due to S2006. See you guys around!

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